Environmental Literacy naturedecal



We create decorative and environmental decals.

You will breathe better in your offices with them.

And on top of that, they save money. 

samolepka vypinac setrete elektrinou

Become a company that will positively impact the environment on Earth with its behaviour. When each employee reflects on how his or her act affects the environment on our planet, we will star off on the right path to sustainable development.

We understand that large corporations and small businesses operate under different conditions. There is nothing we cannot solve individually together. We are a team of professionals who believe two are more than one.

Our unique design of decals expresses our attitude and transfers the basic idea of ​​fighting the waste of limited resources on our planet. Decorative decals replace standard labels such as – switch off, don’t waste water, save paper, separate waste, recycle.

Each of us is equally important on our way to the green planet. And taking care of you is a matter of course for us. Do you have a special request or a non-standard query? Shoot! We will be happy to discuss them with you.

 Environmental Literacy decal on toilet


With educational environmental decals, you can creatively show each employee how their day-to-day activities affect the environment. Get the whole company to think pro-environmentally and be a modern company of the 21st century.




In addition to the environmental impact, decorative stickers will help you considerably reduce your operating costs. You will consume less power, save costs for motion sensors for automatic switching of lights on and off, consume less water, and save on paper and toners for printers.

Dekorativní ekologická samolepka šetřete vodou

Average cost savings in a company (1 year, 250 employees)


on toners


printing paper


water consumption


electricity consumption

Easy implementation process


Would you like to know more about our decorative stickers? Write us at nd@naturedecal.com. We will be happy to answer and advise you.